Gluten-free eating out in Madrid

Gluten-free eating out in Madrid

People often ask me about eating out gluten-free in Madrid, and when I was recently interviewed for the “Eat out Madrid” podcast about living in Madrid as a celiac/coeliac I took the chance to talk about some of the places I like to go eating out and where I can feel comfortable. Some people listening to the podcast may have struggled with my accent and weren’t able to hear clearly so I’m quickly adding the places I mention to this post.

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Gluten free pizza restaurant Madrid - Grosso Napoletano Senza Glutine

Gluten-free pizza restaurant in Madrid

Any kind of 100% gluten-free restaurant in Madrid is welcome, for celiac disease sufferers such as myself in particular, due to the risk of contamination at a regular restaurant, and now we have a pizzeria. we can safely enjoy.

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